WAO Nordic Yurt
Soldier Hollow Nordic Trails
Midway UTah
For all bookings and information for the Nordic Yurt Please visit www.nordicyurtutah.com

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Directions from Park City: Take Hwy 40 East towards Heber. Turn Right at the light, 113 towards Midway. Turn left on S Center Street in Midway, then right on Tate Street. Turn left on Soldier Hollow Lane. Park at Nordic Center, and meet inside.
Directions From Heber: Head West on 113 towards Midway.Turn left on S Center Street in Midway, then right on Tate Street. Turn left on Soldier Hollow Lane. Park at Nordic Center, and meet inside.
Directions from Provo: Take Hwy 189 towards Heber. Turn left on S Charleston Rd, continue until you go over the railroad tracks and turn left onto Tate Ln., Turn left on Soldier Hollow Lane. Park at Nordic Center, and meet inside.